Ir svētdiena. Ziemassvētki ir beigušies, bet līdz jaunajam gadam vēl jāpagaida! Un ja nu ir aptrūkušās filmas, ko skatīties...
Mans gada filmu top 30 ir šāds:
30. A Serious Man The Uncertainty Principle. It proves we can't ever really know... what's going on.
29. Whatever Works Why would you want to hear my story? Do we know each other? Do we like each other? Let me tell you right off, ok... I'm not a like-able guy.
28. Up Good afternoon. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?
27. Franklyn If you believe in something strongly enough, who's to say if it's real or not?
26. Tulpan Ņipanravilsa ti ņej. Ona skazala maķerei što lopa uhi.
25. Adventureland I'm an atheist, maybe more of a pragmatic nihilist I guess or an existential pagan if you will...
24. Kolme viisasta miestä Kaurismaki Kristmas!23. Coraline I'm Coraline Jones. I've got so much to tell you.22. An Education I don't want to lose my virginity to a piece of fruit.21. Mesrine: Killer Instinct/Public Enemy Number One I've got a lot of plans. Close the prison with maximum security. I want all of those who sit there to be freed!20. Kisses "Dylan? Like Bob Dylan?" "Who's Bob Dylan?"19. Frost/Nixon I've had an idea for an interview: Richard Nixon.18. Where The Wild Things Are Now you are king and you will be a truly great king.17. Surveillance I'm not... having... a very... good... time.16. Låt den rätte komma in Squeal like a pig. So, Squeal.15. The Wrestler Hey lady - you want some fucking cheese? Get your own fucking cheese!14. Rachel Getting Married Hey! Didn't I see you on Cops?13. Che Part 1/Part 2 Shoot me, you coward! You are only killing a man. You will never kill my spirit, or the spirit of the revolution!12. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Some people, were born to sit by a river. Some get struck by lightning. Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people, dance.11. (500) Days Of Summer People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated.10. Moon I hope life on Earth is everything you remember it to be.09. Antichrist What do you think is supposed to happen in the woods?08. Il Divo We learn from the Gospel that when they asked Jesus what truth was, he did not reply.07. Synecdoche, New York There are nearly thirteen million people in the world. None of those people is an extra. They're all the leads of their own stories.06. Anvil! The Story Of Anvil Let's show the world how to rock!05. Tokyo Sonata Dad, you say you protect us, but what do you do everyday?04. Fantastic Mr. Fox You know, you really are... fantastic.03. Inglourious Basterds You know somethin'? I think this might just be Quentin's masterpiece.02. Sugar - Do you like "TV On The Radio"? - TV... what?01. The Limits of Control Those who think they’re bigger than the rest should go to the cemetery. There they will see what life really is.
Brīnos, ka topā nav ne Watchmen, ne Taking woodstock, ne Shrink, ne The boat that rocked.
AtbildētDzēstBet katram jau savs.;)
Katram jau savs, bet es multeni UP ierindotu krietni augstāk par lopkopju gabalu Tulpan. Bet paldies, būs ko paskatīties svētku brīvdienās!
AtbildētDzēsta kur 2012?!?!
AtbildētDzēstFRĪDA,LA ANTEMA???
AtbildētDzēstSorry,LA Antena..:)
AtbildētDzēstAntikrists... Hmm. Nezinu, nezinu. Neuzskatu, ka kino jārāda tādi skati, kādi bija tanī filmā. Tā jau vairs nav māksla, ir tomēr kaut kādas ētikas robežas.
AtbildētDzēstpaldies Tom!
par pirmās vietas filmu- the limits of control. Es lielāku mēslu neesmu redzējis, domāju, ka tev ir normālāka gaume, piespiedu sevi noskatitties 2 h sviesta, jo gaidīju, ka būs kkada nereālāka mindfuck filma, bet action ta ari nesagaidiju!! ES gribu atpakal tas 2 h!!!
AtbildētDzēstEs arī taisos noskatīties The Limits of Control dēļ šī topa, bet kā skatos šeit nav nevienas filmas no Tarantino top 8.. Nu 2h mēslu neskatīšo pēc 15 min vajadzētu būt skaidram :P